Sales managers have a lot on their plate. About half their time is consumed with coaching their salespeople, leaving the other half of their time for pipeline management, motivating and recruiting salespeople, followed by all the time it takes to hold those salespeople accountable. Interested in learning a way to eliminate having to manage pipelines, motivate your sales team, and hold your sales team accountable? The...
Eliminate the need to keep your sales team motivated and held accountable

How to send an effective Sales Email

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As long as you have an email address, you are one of many who have fallen victim to the vast array of unsolicited emails that somebody, somewhere, believes are useful. As a recipient, you more than likely just hit delete… you may have even gone all the way and hit unsubscribe. Eventually, however, the tide will turn and you’ll be the sender. Let’s talk about how to avoid this particular situation by...
How to send an effective Sales Email

The Impact of Sales Training

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Ready to give your sales team a boost? Sales training can be a great investment. However, be sure to approach your training and development process the right way. Take a look at the following article to learn more about what an effective training process entails. Sales Training is one of the best investments you can make for your sales force and organization. However, in order to yield the sustainable, long term return...
The Impact of Sales Training

Sales Motivation

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Everybody is motivated by something. There is always some end result we’re ultimately seeking, whether our goal is to get in shape, get a promotion, or perhaps, to make a sale. Well, here we have some research on the science of motivation and the findings are quite surprising. Career analyst Dan Pink conducted a study using science, examples and case histories to enlighten us on the best and most effective methods...
Sales Motivation

Every profession has its small percentage of folks who simply aren’t very good at what they do. Take medicine for example, where some doctors are better than others, or law, where there are great attorneys and then, well, not so great attorneys. Similarly, your salesforce might have a diverse range of abilities. This raises a question; why do some people excel while others don’t? Over the years, we’ve...
What is the Single Biggest Differentiator Between Top and Bottom Salespeople?

Why Do Salespeople Struggle to Sell if Buyers Love to Buy?

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Have you ever noticed how happy people look as they peruse around the mall toting their shopping bags full of new purchases? Or do you remember how excited you were the last time you bought something new? How happy were you when you drove your new car off the lot? Or upgraded your iphone, or booked a vacation? Everybody loves to buy things, so how come we can’t always sell things? Let’s discuss some of...
Why Do Salespeople Struggle to Sell if Buyers Love to Buy?

You may be familiar with a recent article we’ve posted that identifies the biggest obstacle to closing more sales. In that article we discuss the importance of reaching the decision maker, the most common obstacle that hinders salespeople. A further study done by Objective Management Group helped us discover another competency a massive percentage of salespeople struggle with: consultative selling. Let’s take...
Discovered - Data Reveals the Second Biggest Obstacle to Closing More Sales

#1 Greatest Obstacle to Closing More Sales

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Every company is constantly questioning and researching why their salespeople don’t close more deals. They ask themselves all the big questions as they strive to improve their results. What skills are we lacking? Where does our process go wrong? Well, maybe the mistake costing you sales is a far simpler fix than implementing massive changes to your people and process. The good news is that recent data reveals...

Seven Powerful Exercises to Improve Your Sales Skills

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You may be familiar with the old saying, “to fail to prepare is to prepare to fail.” And it’s true! No matter what it is you do, you need to practice to improve. So, how and what should you work on to become a better salesperson? The following article provides helpful suggestions and exercises based off of Dave Kurlan’s best-selling book, “Baseline Selling.” First, be sure to practice...
Seven Powerful Exercises to Improve Your Sales Skills

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