Critical Business Issues

Are you confident that your sales team can lock down each step in your sales process and effectively move the opportunity forward?

Can your sales people uncover your client’s needs and persuasively link those needs with your solutions?

Do your people have the skills to reduce initial resistance and prevent objections using a client-focused process?

How do you get a forecast that is accurate, based on facts, not hope?

Are you approaching informed buyers with insight that adds value to the conversation?

How do you raise the quality of client interaction to improve results?



The Novation Selling Framework provides salespeople with a consistent, repeatable roadmap for conducting an effective sales pursuit.

We will help you transform your salespeople’s process, communication, language, and structure to conduct and execute the “flawless” sales pursuit.

We work with your organization to develop the questioning skills and authenticity to conduct meaningful and effective conversations with clients to open more doors and close more sales.


Opportunities in the pipeline are genuine not “happy ears” deals.

Increased top line revenue and business performance from higher close ratios for new clients and expanded business with existing clients.

“Think it overs” and stalled deals become a thing of the past.

Dramatically improved communication with proper understanding of how sales calls are planned, structured, and executed.

Improved identification and understanding of client real needs including: why it’s important, how much money is really available, what the decision criteria are, and what has to be proven to get “ink on paper.”

Improved product positioning that is strategic and client-focused.


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